Monday, 22 October 2012

Every Little Helps

Over the last 4 months (apart from August) I have been losing approx 4 - 5 lb per month. This is about 1lb a week which is still pretty amazing.

The thing is that I know that I have not been doing all I can to carry on losing weight. My main problem has been the gym. I have hardly been in the last 2 months. This was because I developed a bit of a stalker (nothing serious but enough to make me feel uncomfortable) who works at the gym. Anyway I have not wanted to bump into him and have avoided going. This plus my general laziness has meant that I don't think I have lost as much weight as I could have. But I have spoken to management at the gym about this guy and now feel much better. So last week I managed to go twice and I have plans for 3 - 4 times this week. I have also beeen spurred on from the results of my Health MOT. I was so pleased with my results that I wanted to keep going.

With this new enthusiasm for my healthy lifestyle and weightloss I have made a few more goals.
1) To lose 2lb by my next monthly weigh-in (2nd November)
2) To lose a further 5lb in the next month (2nd December)
3) To lose a further 3lb by my birthday (22nd Dec)
4) To have lost a total of 6st 7lb by 2nd Jan 2013 (Exactly 1 year since I changed my life)
So that means I would like to lose 1 stone from now. There are 10 weeks and 2 days until the end of my year, which means an average of less than 1.5lb per week....totally do-able.

I found myself signing up for Twitter a few days ago - not sure why to be honest. I have found it to be useful for 2 things (so far). Firstly snooping on celebs - bit sad I know. And yes I know I have better things to do with my life, but where's the harm in being a little nosey eh? Secondly I have found some great weightloss, healthy lifestyle and exercise support & motivation. I have read a few articles that have really struck a chord with me. One about Binge eating which I seem to have a little problem with, and some which just confirm my thoughts on how to lose a lot of weight. I have also been able to follow people who have been in some of the weight loss shows I've watched like Biggest Loser USA and Obese: A year to save my life.

Different things work for different people when losing weight and I thought I'd tried them all before I started this healthy lifestyle. But I've done things this time that I have not done before. I have written my blog which I have found to be a massive help. I would encourage others to write a diary/blog because it's great to look back on. I have also seen losing weight as a positive thing and been proud of all of my achievements. Before I used to say "No thanks, I can't have that coz I'm on a diet :0(". I would say this like it was a bad thing and that it was torture. But this time I have not denied myself anything and also realised what a negative effect overeating has on my body. I have also asked for help & support when I needed to. I cannot stress enough the importance of a good support network. It can be so easy to fall of the wagon. But whenever I have done (which has been often with my binge eating) someone has always been there to get me back on track. And as I've already mentioned, I have joined Twitter.

I know that there are many people who read my blog who are also trying to lose weight. In the last 2 weeks 2 people have asked me for advice & help about how they can lose weight. I have found this a huge honour. I really like the fact that there are people out there (yes, you) who look to me and my blog as a source of support. I have always loved helping people and knowing that I can help others, especially in weightloss, is a great feeling.

To all of you who are losing weight,
Your journey will not be easy, it will not come without temptation or stress.
But just take one day at a time.
Don't kick yourself if you overeat for a day or two. Instead learn from it, accept it and move on.....afterall you're only human.
Ask for help and talk about your journey.
And REMEMBER it is a journey. On some journeys you get lost, take the wrong road and stop at the service station BUT you can always get there in end.
If you need help then I am here for you, as you have been for me.
Laura xx

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