Monday 9 April 2012

National Childbirth Trust - Crawley

I thought that while I was losing weight I would try to raise some money for a charity which has helped me out recently. My local NCT branch has helped me so much since I had my antenatal classes and had my son. I have made some amazing friends and become involved in many events and groups. My son has got a great social life and I can honestly say that it's because of the NCT.

4 weeks ago I turned my weight loss into a sponsored slim. I gave myself 3 months to lose 14lb.
So far I have lost 10lb since raising money for the NCT. You may remember that I had a health MOT done at my gym, well I'm going to have another one done at the beginning of June which will be the end of my 3 month sponsored slim.

If you feel that you would like to support me in my weight loss and also a great charity please make a donation. It doesn't matter how small your donation is because it all adds up. I have got a Just Giving page where you can donate online Alternatively you can pass on any donations directly to me and I can process it for you.

A huge thank you to those who have already kindly donated - it is very much appreciated!

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