I've been testing my bloods for 4 days now and so far so good, all readings are lower than they should be. I have to test my blood 6 times every day. Before every meal and then 1 hour after. So this doesn't leave much wiggle room so anything other than a healthy diet.
I've been tracking all my foods now for about a week and it's been good to get back into it. I've had some lovely meals rather than some of the rubbish I was eating before.
Carbohydrates turn to sugar once digested and its that (and actual sugar) that can affect your blood sugar. The things that can affect your blood sugars include: breads, pasta, rice, potatoes, some veg, sweets, cakes, milk and there are more but I can't remember them at the mo. so I've been trying to have protein & veg/salad as the largest proportion of each meal, but still making sure that 'good' carbs are included. I've been having crunchy bran for breakfast and then just having 1 slice of wholemeal bread instead of 2 with my lunch. I'm managing to eat between 1900 - 2000 cals a day too. I've not had many snacks in the day, but have had some in the evenings. I made a hummus dip the other night and have had that with raw carrot, raw cauliflower and celery with a reduced fat dip. I had so much and was so full after which was great. I've also been having pistachio nuts and pine nuts as a snack. They are a good source if protein and much better than crisps etc.
This week has got a lot of challenges when it comes to my diabetes. We went to a party for our son's friend's birthday. But I managed to choose wisely and my sugars were fine, I even had a bit of cake for my pudding in the evening. Tomorrow is a big day in our house as our gorgeous son turns 3. We have family coming round for a small lunch and of course birthday cake. Then on Wednesday he has a few friends coming round for a playdate. I'm making a train cake and it's a chocoholics idea of heaven. So I'll have to restrain myself and just have a small piece. We've also got family down this week and a few other events. I reckon if I can control my blood sugars this week then the next 10 weeks should be no problem.
I weighed myself today on my wii fit scales. These are the scales I used the whole of last year and so I know that they will give me a true reflection of my weight. Since I've been pregnant I've just been using bathroom scales (which actually aren't that reliable). I have actually put on 2st 5lb which is less than I thought I had, by about 7lbs.
Right I'm off now to decorate the house ready for our little boy's special day tomorrow.
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