Sunday 17 February 2013

The more you eat

So I put on 4 lbs last week. I think that it's partly due to a massive 3 course meal my husband and I had last night.

I'm not too worried about the big gain. I put in 2 stones in my last pregnancy and would like to avoid putting on more than that this time. I know I can lose weight, so will just lower my calories & exercise more after my baby is born.

Anyway i think another reason I've put on is that I've been eating more. Now before you all shout 'duh! Of course it is!' I want to explain what I mean. I have had this happen before when I've been on holiday, and I've noticed it again in the last couple of weeks. After having reduced my calories for so long my body got used to that amount and was content with what I was eating. However because of bring pregnant I've increased my calorie intake. Believe it or not, but the more I eat actually increases my want for more food. When we went on holiday with friends I remember eating a bit more for a couple of days but then I kept feeling hungry. I think I posted about it.

As you may know I watch a lot of programmes about weight loss. There's one on called 'supersize vs superskinny' with Dr Christian Jessen. He helps both extremes of the scale. Week after week the thinner people say that as they have made themselves to eat more, they actually have felt hungry more often. Know I know I'm not superskinny (and quite frankly I wouldn't want to be), but I have restricted my calories as they have. It makes me wonder why I feel more hungry after a few weeks of eating more? I fear there is some scientific reason behind it.

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