At the moment I'm in that horrible place when you've just had a holiday in the last few weeks and you've got to get back on track.
I've been back from holiday for 2 weeks now. I've not been back to the gym yet, although in the last couple of days I have been for some walks. I'm def going to go back to the gym this coming week though. I've had lots of stuff going on, but that's no excuse not to carry on. I could have done exercise at home, but I've just been lazy. It's so easily done.
Last week I lost 1lb which I'd put on whilst on holiday. But this was a sheer fluke. I've not been eating very healthily and was lucky to have a loss. But I've been much better this week, although not brilliant. I'm really hoping for a loss this week.
I've got a goal for the next 2 lose 3lbs. This would mean I'd have lost 60lbs total and that I'd be the smallest weight I can remember being as an adult. Then after loosing those 3lbs my next goal is to lose another 10lbs and I'd have hit a really amazing point in my journey. Its a weight that i've dreamt about for years. I've never written how much I weigh in this blog because it's quite a big thing to admit how much you weigh & used to weigh at your biggest. I've not made any firm decisions yet, but thinking that it may help to say how much i used to weigh with trying to keep the weight off. My journey isn't over when I've lost the weight and I think maintaining a healthy weight & diet will be the hardest part.
At the moment I can fit into 14/16 clothes. I still can't believe it. When I buy a size 14, part of me thinks that there must be a mistake with that item.
Having been losing weight for just over 28 weeks now and I still look at myself and am able to see that I still have a long way to go. I can see how far I've come too, but I know that if I can just carry on then I will look & feel even better.
Thankfully I have no more holidays booked for this year so now I've just got to get to Christmas. I wonder how much more I can lose before then?
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