Sunday, 24 June 2012

Race for Life

On Wednesday I completed a 5k to raise money for Cancer Research. Firstly a huge thank you to those people who very kindly sponsored me -I managed to raise just under £100.

I practised doing 5k at the treadmill on Monday & Tuesday and I managed to complete it in around 50 mins. I was really pleased with this. I did a mix of walking, jogging and walking uphill. I felt that I now knew what I was facing.

So Wednesday came and when we left home I started to get a bit nervous. 6 months previously I wouldn't have even attempted it due to being so obese & unfit.I really wanted to do well.

For those that haven't been involved in a 'race for life' I'll explain what happens when you get there. About 20 mins before the race all the ladies taking part can get involved in a mass warm-up session. So my friend and I took part in this (even though I felt like such an idiot because we couldn't really see the stage to know what we were doing). Then we decided to join the 'joggers' group. My friend & I had agreed to start off with a jog and jog at the end, and jog when we could in between. Plus we said that we'd stay together. I was so pleased about this - I still have issues about how I look. It's hard to feel differently about myself when I felt like this for so many years.

So we're waiting at the start line with everyone else. The countdown began 5, 4, 3, 2, 1......and then in true race style....we stood still. There are so many people to get moving that we probably stood still for about 2/3 mins. Then eventually we were off. We started jogging but soon had to walk due to the sheer volume of people and the slim paths. As planned we did a mixture of walking and jogging. We were talking for most of the way round which helped so much. I remember walking past the 1k sign, but can't remember seeing any of the others...must have been talking too much.

When I was jogging I felt so good. Another very good friend and I always talk about how different it is to jog/run outside, compared to on the treadmill. But I was actually surprised at how good it felt. It is definitely something that I want to do again at some point. the route was marshalled by police & volunteers. They were encouraging and told people how well they were doing. Which helped me stay focused.

We were just doing the last 500 meters and I saw my husband and my other friend waving. It was such a relief to see them both. We had just 1 more corner to go and then it was then we could see the finish line ahead of us. We managed to jog the last bit and passed the finish line at exactly 54 minutes (but bear in mind we were waiting for about 3 mins at the start). I was so pleased that I had completed it in about the same time as I had done at the gym on the treadmill. Crossing the finish line was amazing. There was a huge sense of pride and achievement. I couldn't stop smiling. I got my medal and then went to too my husband and friend. They greeted us both with huge smiles of congratulations and hugs.

I really enjoyed being involved in the 'race for life' I managed to raise money for a very worthy charity and achieved some personal goals of my own. I'm thinking about doing another event next year, as well as the 'race for life' which I'm definitely doing again. I've been looking at doing a sponsored midnight walk, which is a half marathon in aid of St Catherine's Hospice. It wouldn't be for another year so I have lots of time to practise. But who knows what will happed in the next year, so for now it's still just a thought.

Here is a picture of me and my friend at the end of our 'race for life'.

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