Tuesday, 31 January 2012

My thoughts for the day

All still going well. Didn't do any specific exercise yesterday so my muscles could rest. But I was running round at my son's gymnastics class in the morning. I did 30 mins of housework this morning which has burnt off a few calories. Planning on doing some wii fit & salsa later before bed.

With regard to my goal I'm aiming for a 1st 6lb (20lb) further loss by 7th May (centre parcs holiday) this would make 32lb loss in total. I always do this when I'm trying to lose weight. I give myself a goal date and then work out how much weight I could lose if I stick to it based on 1lb a week, then 2lb a week. So based on that I make the following calculations. 14 weeks until 7th May. That means I need to lose an average of 1.5lb a week. That is totally realistic, hopefully I'll do it this time.

Today for lunch I had tuna melt on toast. It was so delicious. I ate slowly and tried to drink a large cup of squash as I ate. I was nearly at the end and said to my husband that I was full. I actually couldn't believe how full I felt. It was so nice that I left that bit, put my son to sleep then finished it off.

Just worked out our dinners for the next week. Really looking forward to making them. Here is the type of dinners I'm making on my new healthy way of life.

Chicken Paprika, chilli con carne, Irish stew, Hungarian goulash, chicken with tomato & cinnamon sauce, cidered pork, beef & root veg hotpot.

The majority of these meals are made in the slow cooker. I love my slow cooker. It allows me to cook a healthy, home cooked meal. I'd recommend it to anyone especially anyone who has a busy life. It's so nice to smell a lovely dinner cooking away.

Been watching more of Sky 1s Obese: a year to save my life. I never knew that a programme could have such a positive impact on me. These people weigh over 25stones and lose over 8 stones in a year. They go through ups and downs but shed the weight in the end through lots of hard work and exercise. On the show they show how much weight the person has lost each month. I love it coz it looks better that way to me. I started this new way of life on 2nd Jan. So on Thursday 2nd Feb I'm going to start my monthly weigh-in. The show has definitely reinforced something which I've only just realised. if things do go wrong one day, don't then go on an eating binge and undo all the good work I've done so far, but accept it, put the day behind you and move forward. Watching The biggest loser uk tonight as well for a bit more inspiration.

Right, well I've rambled on for far too long. Good evening & thanks for reading xx


  1. Thought I'd say hello as I am pleased to find another weight loss blog. I originally had 5 stone to lose. I have lost 24lbs of that so far. I read your 'rules' and they sound so similar to mine. Look up 'intuitive eating' - really makes sense.
    Keep up the cycling - it is great exercise as your weight is supported. I can cycle when I have a bad back, can't do much else!

  2. Hi, thanks so much for your comment. Huge congratulations on your amazing weight loss. I will look up intuitive eating at some point soon.
