Monday, 17 September 2012

My TV free week - Monday

Today is the first day of no tv for 7 days. I've done my exercise plan for the whole week which looks pretty good.

Today I was meant to be doing tae bo whilst my son slept at lunch. This hasn't happened for 2 reasons. Firstly I have developed a pain in my back and hurts quite a bit. Secondly my son didn't want to sleep. I was worried that on the first day my plans wouldn't go to plan but I went to the Dr and it looks like I've just strained some muscles. I was worried I was going to get a chest infection. So I decided to do salsacise, ignore my back pains and get my son to join in. This was not an easy task. He had a massive tantrum and didn't want me to dance. But after a while (and being put on time-out) he decided that he wanted to join in. So we both did salsacise. The last time I did this workout DVD was about Jan/Feb. I noticed that I had so much more energy and was able to do more. That was a really nice feeling. I eventually managed to 30 mins.

Food so far today is going well. Monday is shaping up to be a great day :0)

Just got back from the gym and managed to have a good workout. I managed 35 mins on treadmill, 6 mins on cross trainer & 30 mins swimming. I tried a bit of jogging but I was getting a bit wheezy so I stopped.

First day of no tv has been a success!

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