Sunday, 26 February 2012

My first gym session!

WOO HOO!! I did it!

I went to the gym - all by myself and stayed there for a full 40 minute workout.

As I walked down the path I was starting to worry, but once I got in there it was great.

Before I went I downloaded a workout album to my iPhone to listen to at the gym.

I started off on the treadmill for 13 minutes. I managed to jog .... Yes that's right jog..... for approx 2 of those mins. I just started and kept going until i was at my limit. I managed to walk on an incline too. I moved onto a sitting down bike for 8 mins. They are a lot more comfortable to use than the normal bikes. Then back to the treadmill where I jogged again, this time for approx 3 minutes. I managed 18 mins this time. I was all red & sweaty which was great. I just kept thinking about all those calories I was burning off.

When I was working out I was listening to my album which had great beats and kept me going. I'm a bit of a people watcher, so naturally I was looking round to see what other people were doing. There were a couple of girls who looked young and they didn't even look slightly pink. All their hair was perfect and their make hadn't moved at all. But on the whole it wasn't terribly busy. Which was perfect for me coz I could stay in the corner and focus.

There was only 1 moment towards to end when I felt a teeny bit of nausea creeping in. So I just slowed the pace down and concentrated on my breathing. Last time that happened I fainted.

When I finished I felt fantastic. Firstly because I went in and did it on my own. And secondly because I could feel how much good it was doing me.

On my drive home I was thinking about how much better I felt this time compared to when I went to the gym 3+ years ago. Then I realised its coz I don't smoke anymore. 3 years ago I'd have a cigarette on my way in, and again as soon as I left. I was always so wheezy throughout my workout. This time my heart was pumping, but I could breath (albeit faster than normal).

When at home I just kept thinking about when I could go next. I'm planning to go 4 or 5 times in the next week. Taking my son swimming tomorrow afternoon too which will be great fun.

If you are doing any kind of exercise regime at the moment - good luck. You have more strength & power than you know! Keep at it, it all helps :0)

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