Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Pancakes a bit of a flop

As you may be aware it's pancake day today. I decided to make sure that I had some, as this is real life and in the future as my son grows I'm sure pancakes will feature highly on shrove Tuesday. I decided that I couldn't have just 1 pancake, so I would have 4 or 5 and that would be my dinner. Anyway we bought a 'shake to make' mixture earlier today. Started making them just now and began adding them to my calorie counting app. By the time I'd logged everything I felt totally cheated. I wasted over 550 calories on 4 pancakes with fillings. WHAT!?!? I could have had such a lovely meal for less calories. I was so annoyed with myself. So lesson learnt, only 1 pancake next year.

Luckily today I've had an amazing day of exercise. This morning before we went out I did 20 mins on my biggest loser wii game. It was good and I was a little sweaty after so knew it was burning those calories. Then at lunchtime I did some step aerobics at an 8 inch height. I thought we'd sold our step before we had our son, but my husband told me it was in the garage. Anywho, I did 20 mins at lunchtime. I did it in 5 minute sections with water breaks in between. Well, let me tell you....I sweat so much I really felt like I'd done an amazing workout. I burned 293 calories in just 20 mins. For the first time since starting this new way of life I felt as though I was helping my health. My heart was pumping, but it felt great. I'm def doing this a few times a week. Then this afternoon I went for a walk round our local park which was a good 30 mins walking whilst pushing a buggy.

Last night I watched Obese: A year to save my life. It was an amazing episode. The guy losing weight was totally focused and really started enjoying it by the end of the year. He ended up losing 12st 5lb in 12 months and has started training to be a personal fitness trainer. It was so good to watch because it reinforced all my positive thoughts at the moment. This guy was going to do it without question, and that's exactly how I feel about my struggle. In the opening credits Jessie Pavelka says something that I love and has really hit home with me.

"You can either be the sickness in your world, or you can be the cure."

I'm going to be the cure in my world ...... I feel there's no question about that. This is my time. I went to my first slimming class when I was 16. I've been trying to lose weight for half of my life. This is where it ends! I am totally accountable for how i got to this size, and also for where I go from here.

A dream doesn't become reality through magic. It takes sweat, determination and hard work!

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